Paintings (Originals)

Painting small high Here you can find small paintings in portrait (acrylic on canvas, 40 cm wide x 60 cm high; spruce frame 2 cm).

Painting small high Here you can find more small paintings in portrait (acrylic on canvas, 40 cm wide x 60 cm high; spruce frame 2 cm).

Painting small transverse Here you can find small paintings in portrait (acrylic on canvas, 40 cm wide x 60 cm high; spruce frame 2 cm).

Painting medium transverse Here you can find paintings of medium size in landscape mode. (Acrylic on Leinwandvon 60 cm high x 80 cm wide - 75 cm high x 100 wide)

Painting medium transverse Here you can find more paintings of medium size in landscape mode. (Acrylic on Leinwandvon 60 cm high x 80 cm wide - 75 cm high x 100 wide)

Painting medium high Here you'll find paintings, medium size in portrait mode. (Acrylic on canvas of 90 cm high x 75 cm - 120 cm high x 90 wide)

Painting medium high Here you'll find more paintings, medium size in portrait mode. (Acrylic on canvas of 90 cm high x 75 cm - 120 cm high x 90 wide)

Painting large across Here you will find great picture in landscape mode. (Acrylic on canvas - 100 cm high x 150 cm wide - Spruce frame cm 4)

Painting large high Here you will find large paintings in portrait mode. (Acrylic on canvas, 150 cm x 100 cm to 240 cm x 150 cm, on pine frame 4 cm) Many designs are also available as postcards.

Painting women Here are some paintings of women. (Acrylic on canvas in various sizes, under spruce 4 cm).

Painting room views Here you can find paintings with a room view - so you can find out which paintings fits best in your home

Painting Diashow Here you will find paintings as animated slide show - the exhibition here on the Internet - just sit back - the pictures seem to be relax, and enjoy!

Art Postcards Here you will find a large number of art-postcards, which you can order here also.

Art Wallpapers Here you can find free art wallpapers for your computer

Art 3-D Gallery Here you can go through my 3d gallery. best results with firefox

Shop here you can shop lars deike paintings, pictures on cancas, postcards and much more - test it!


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